Block Bike: the emblem of effectiveness of 3D tutorials!

Among the different projects we have been carried out for 17 years of business, today I would like to tell you about Block Bike.

Block Bike is a symbolic example to make people understand how many benefits they can have by making a 3D video.

Let’s proceed in an orderly fashion: Block Bike is an Italian patent of an innovative security system for bicycles.

How can you explain in the clearest way the assembly of an anti-theft device but with a video? Let’s think about it: would you prefer an instruction handbook or a clip? Which one seems to be more useful to you? The answer is predictable!

A 3D tutorial allows to rotate and display the product from any point of view, with dynamism, clarity and without the limits of old technologies.

Moreover, once it has been made, this video can be employed for different purposes:

  • as a tool for the sales: your company’s agents can show visually to potential clients the functioning of the system in 41 seconds, with dynamism, clarity and high impact. Comprehension is immediate;
  • as a tool for marketing campaigns: starting from this 3D video, it is possible to extract some images to be used in catalogs and some contents for depliants, brochures and website. All to get a high-level campaign in a unique investment!

Not only on a national level: this video for Block Bike, for instance, has been made both in Italian and in English, both in captions and voiceover, in order to reach users worldwide.

We collaborate with professional copywriters and native speakers in order to ensure an excellent service.

Have I made you curious? Watch Block Bike’s tutorial!

Contact us if you would like to suggest an idea for your 3D video, whatever your business sector is!

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